Monday, April 4, 2011

Update on retirement and health insurance

From Cheryl Lunde, UniServ Director District 2

Hi folks,

Yesterday I received a legislative update on the retirement and health insurance issues.  These are the priority issues for MEA this legislative session and the goal of the topics for the meetings/discussions with legislators.  I have copied it into this message for your information:

The Pension

There are no changes to the pension yet. The Governor’s proposed changes to the pension are sitting on the Appropriations Committee’s table. They have taken no action and will not until they can come up with an entire budget that addresses this issue and all the others.

Most observers are predicting late May as the timeframe for the budget to move forward. While the Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee works on other parts of the budget, it will be important to keep this issue fresh in legislators’ minds. Contacting and re-contacting legislators will be important over the next 6 weeks or so.

Health Insurance

LD 404 and LD 619 have had a hearing are headed to work session on April 1. There is no schedule available for when it will come to the floor.

LD 404 will force the MEA Benefits trust to collect experience rates by district rather than by the whole plan and share it with school districts. Healthier districts can then go shopping for a deal.
The downside – When a healthy district leaves the plan the remaining participants will be charged more because, as a group they are less healthy with the missing district. A catastrophic illness in the small group that leaves will cause huge spikes in rates in subsequent years.

LD 619 will give school districts the option of joining the state plan – subject to negotiations.
The downside – The state plan is currently much more expensive (almost $190.00 per month for a single plan). There would be no control over benefit design and coverage could be reduced to lower costs (like a very high deductible plan).

LD 844 and LD 877 are scheduled for hearing on April 5.

LD 844 will force competitive bidding by districts and could force the breakup of the large MEA Benefits trust pool of participants. It will also allow school districts and municipalities to join the state plan.
The downside – When a healthy district leaves the plan the remaining participants will be charged more because, as a group they are less healthy with the missing district. A catastrophic illness in the small group that leaves will cause huge spikes in rates in subsequent years.

LD 857 will force all school employees into the state plan.
The downside – The state plan is currently much more expensive (almost $190.00 per month for a single plan). There would be no control over benefit design and coverage could be reduced to lower costs (like a very high deductible plan).

Bottom line – The MEA Benefits Trust plans are cost effective, well managed, and are important to our members.